Health and Safety
Prevention Strategies to Reduce Transmission of COVID-19
Al Ittihad National Private School - Abu Dhabi is implementing the ADEK/DOH safety policies and procedures on the school campus to ensure students, staff, and visitors’ safety and wellbeing.

As parents/ guardians you must know the actions that the school is taking to maintain a safe environment:​
People who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are less likely to become infected and develop symptoms. The vaccine has substantially reduced the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19 compared with unvaccinated people. It is very important for all individuals to have the vaccine. Almost all INPS-AD staff members are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Students above 16 years old are vaccinated too, so they can attend the school. It is recommended that all students above 12 years old have the vaccine as well.
Routine PCR Test
All staff and students are under routine testing (every 30 days for the vaccinated and age group 4 to 12 years old). The students who are above 12 years old and any exempted staff must have a routine PCR test every 7 days.
In order to slow the spread of the virus, we divided the school community into 4 bubbles, each bubble using a designated area and not mixing with other bubbles including the entrance and the exits.
PPE enforcement & safety procedures
All staff and students must wear face masks at all times, and maintain a physical distance of 1 m between each other.
All classrooms, staff rooms, and multi-purpose areas are set up to maintain 1 M apart between students/staff.
The school is providing adequate supplies of face masks and PPE for use by students and staff.
A hand hygiene procedure was shared with the students via virtual sessions and informational posters were published in the bathrooms and the corridors.
Ventilation, Cleaning, Sanitization, and Disinfection:
Ventilation is an important COVID-19 prevention strategy used by the school. All classrooms and other multi-purpose areas are well ventilated during the school day
Continuous cleaning of the surfaces during the school day and sanitizing the bathrooms and common areas following standard practices approved by ADEK.
Deep cleaning and sanitization are applied for all the campus during weekends to maintain a hygienic environment.
Quarantine & Isolation Rooms:
If students/ staff have developed any COVID-19 symptoms during the school day (fever, fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, loss of taste and smell) they will be directly isolated at the quarantine room with the school nurse. The school clinic will call his/her parents to come to school, the clinic will send a referral letter to the SEHA medical center so that the students can see a physician and do a PCR test if needed.
It is very important to communicate with the school clinic / EHS officer to report any positive results for the students. The school will then call all the in-contact groups and request from them to do 2 PCR tests (on the first day, and after 6-10 days according to the age group).
Tracing for close contact:
The school will review all students/staff who were in contact with the case for the last 48 hours (contact must be for more than 20 minutes or less than 1 M distance).
All the details will be sent to ADEK via COVID -19 reporting system. A dedicated team from ADEK will advise the school about the action that is to be taken according to the situation of the case.
The school will notify the parents and the staff to stay at home quarantine and do a PCR test and resend it to the school to keep tracing records.
Full sanitization will be applied for the area used by the positive case.
Sports and activities:
A designated area is dedicated for each group. A sanitization process will be applied before the second group using the area.
A designated area is dedicated for each group to use. Students are sitting in their area maintaining a physical distance of 1 M apart from each other.
Students are allowed to remove their masks during mealtime only.
Students are asked to wash/ sanitize their hands before and after mealtime, as well as changing their face masks if needed.
A sanitization process will be applied before and after using the facility during break time.
Student Arrival and Dismissal:
The school has specified a designated gate for each bubble to reduce the transmission of the virus between students and staff. For that reason, parents are requested to deliver their children to their designated gate.
When students reach the gate their body temperature is checked at the entrance. If students show high body temperature, they will be guided to the isolation area- near the entrance- to be rechecked. If they still have a body temperature of 37.5 C or above, they will be isolated and parents must come back to school to pick them up and take them to the nearest SEHA clinic.