Bus Rules and Guidelines
All buses will be equipped with seat belts. There will be a supervisor on each bus to ensure that all students wear their seat belts and assist them in boarding and exiting the bus. Contact numbers for bus supervisors will be provided at the beginning of the school year.
Parents will be informed of the exact pick up and drop off timings by the bus driver before the start of the school year.
Please contact the bus supervisor if a student is going to be absent on any given day.
Students are expected to be present near their homes, or at the assembly point before the assigned time. Understand that bus drivers cannot hold traffic or delay routes while waiting for students.
If a parent was not present at the designated drop -off point (children under 11 years old) at the said timing, then the students will be brought back to school. Parents will then be required to collect the students from school.
For safety reasons, no student will be dropped anywhere other than their agreed drop off point. Students cannot switch buses because they are going to their friend’s house.
If for some reason the student will not be taking the bus home on any given day, please communicate with the School’s Transportation Officer or Section Administrator before noon.
Parents are expected to read and understand the bus guidelines as well as all transportation rules. Discuss all transportation rules with their child(ren).
Students should remain seated while bus is moving. Seat belts must be worn at all times.
Remain quiet. Noise on the bus shall be kept to a minimum with students speaking in reasonable conversation voices.
Students should keep all objects out of the aisle at all times
No offensive, profane or insulting language should be used.
Physical abuse and bullying are unacceptable.
Students are not allowed to use their iPads on the bus. iPads are the responsibility of the student and it should remain in their bags at all times.
Food is not allowed on the bus however, water is allowed.
All garbage must be removed from the bus. The bus must be kept clean.
Damage or vandalism to the buses will result in repair costs being invoiced to parents and consequences to students.
Students are responsible for getting to the bus on time after school; buses will not wait or be called back for students. Kindergarten & Primary students will be escorted by the bus supervisors
Students are not allowed to switch buses without prior approval of the school transportation officer
Non-bus students will not be allowed on the buses at any time.
The bus supervisor is in charge of students on the bus. The bus driver and the supervisor are to be treated respectfully and their instructions must be followed.
While on the bus, students must represent the school with pride.
The INPS behavior code and its consequences will apply.
Students who violate bus rules may lose the privilege of the bus service.
Parents must fill the bus form, pay the bus service fees, as well as sign and acknowledge the bus guidelines before allowing their son/daughter to use the bus service.
Parents of children already registered in the bus must re-register them for the following academic year. Bus re-registration forms are usually sent with the school re-registration forms

Bus Rules and Precautions During Covid 19
All students who are in Grade 1 and above are required to wear a mask.
Temperature checks must be carried out for each child before pickup from home and school.
Younger students must be accompanied by an adult guardian until seated on the bus. Their temperature will be taken inside the bus close to the entrance and the student will need to disembark if found to have an elevated body temperature.
In case a student has an elevated body temperature at the time of boarding the bus from school to home, they will be asked to wait for a parent/legal guardian to pick them up by private means.
In case a student shows symptoms during the trip to school, they must be seated 2 m away from other students and placed in isolation upon arrival at school. If symptoms occur during the trip back home, the student must be seated 2 m away from other students and be dropped off first. The incident must be reported to the COVID-19 Response Team for follow up. A student showing symptoms is required to visit a doctor to be assessed and may only return to school upon fulfilling the requirements.
All school buses will be equipped with hand sanitizer at their entrance doors. Bus monitors should be provided with sanitizing wipes and an appropriate waste bin.
Students must sanitize their hands when getting on the bus, and once before dismounting.
Each bus will have a bus supervisor to check students’ temperatures, dispense hand sanitizer, tend to students who require assistance, and usher them when disembarking.
Students will be assigned seating, with the same seating assignments maintained daily.
Bus drivers and supervisors shall follow all health and safety standards, including having their temperatures measured and screening for symptoms on a daily basis.
Schools shall collect daily bus passenger logs to enable contact tracing in case a student tests positive for COVID-19.
Students under 12 years old and Vaccinated Students 12+ years old must show negative result of PCR Covid 19 Test once monthly
Unvaccinated Students from 12 to Under 16 years old must show negative results of PCR Covid 19 Test once weekly.